As an exhibitor, your company’s support will appear on the conference website, and we will verbally acknowledge your support to attendees during the welcome portion of the conference. Based on your choice of our two exhibitor levels, you will also receive the following:
Featured Exhibitor: $1,500
Virtual Exhibitor: $1,000
Conference attendees are encouraged to visit with our exhibitors. To incentivize attendees to visit with each in-person and virtual exhibitor, we hold a raffle and this has had a significantly positive impact for our exhibitors.
The Virtual Exhibit Hall on our conference website demonstrates your support and provides more details about your organization and services to our attendees.
To take advantage of this opportunity, simply fill out our online registration form!
Upon our receipt of your registration form and online payment, you will be contacted for further instruction regarding the information, website links and logos to be uploaded onto the Virtual Exhibit Hall.
Space is limited! Register today.
Questions? Contact Rachel Dombach, Conference Coordinator